August 27th, 2019 | Latest News | No Comments
27 AUGUST 2019
Today, residents of Fylde, Blackpool, Wyre and Lancashire, gathered outside Cuadrilla’s Bamber Bridge Headquarters, where they handed in a letter of request for hydraulic fracturing to permanently end at Preston New Road.
In reference to the uncontrollable earthquakes, residents believe impacts have reached an intolerable level, including impacts on community mental health, structural damage and a lack of responsibility from both the government and fracking industry.
A spokesperson from the group said:
“Public confidence in fracking is at an all-time low. Residents have absolutely had enough of the spin, lies and ridiculous comparisons of earthquakes to fruit and household items.
“The Oil and Gas Authority have suspended operations at Preston New Road and now we are demanding that a permanent ban be implemented against fracking with immediate effect.
“Our lives and wellbeing should be prioritised over a private company’s financial gain.”
- Image attached outside Cuadrilla’s HQ in Bamber Bridge