Cuadrilla releases revised traffic plans for Roseacre Wood
November 29th, 2017 | Uncategorized | No Comments
With typical disregard for residents, Cuadrilla has released its revised traffic plans to the press but not to residents. Roseacre Awareness Group has reacted angrily to the new plans, claiming that a further five communities will be affected by the the new routes and will risk even more people’s lives. The plans also include the creation of a large number of passing places, as well as the installation of new traffic lights.
In June 2015, Lancashire County Council refused planning permission for Roseacre Wood because of traffic management concerns. Wendy McKay, the Inspector of the Public Inquiry held the following year, supported LCC’s views – but Savid Javis, the Tory Communities Secretary, said he was ‘minded’ to give permission to Cuadrilla if they could come up with alternative traffic plans.

Blue Route: The original route from the A584 at Clifton, along Dagger Road and Salwick Road, and either through the defence site DHFCS Inskip site or the village of Wharles
Green Route: New route from the A585 north of the site, through the villages of Thistleton, Elswick and Roseacre
Red Route: New route from the A585 north of the site, through the villages of Thistleton, Elswick, Crossmoor and Inskip and either through DHFCS Inskip or the village of Wharles.
Details of the plans are available on Cuadrilla’s website.
A public consultation on Cuadrilla’s Traffic Management Plans is open until 10 January 2018. If you wish to make a representation in respect of the revised transport route strategy and related environmental information, please submit it by email to or in writing to: Development Management Group, Lancashire County Council, PO Box 100, County Hall, Pitt Street, Preston PR1 0LD by the 10th January 2018 quoting the appeal reference number (APP/Q2371/W/15/3134385).
The public inquiry is provisionally scheduled to start at 10am on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 at Blackpool Football Club. It is expected to sit for eight days (Tuesday-Friday). Inquiry website.
Please do contact LLC. These roads and villages are totally unsuitable for HGVs. Plus, if these plans do get passed by the government, we know from what has happened at the Preston New Road site that there will be numerous breaches by Cuadrilla as the company implements traffic management changes to best suit itself.
Further information is available at Drill or Drop.