Government poll shows opposition to fracking much higher than support
Frack Free Lancashire
PRESS RELEASE 26 April 2018
Today saw the release of the government’s latest Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker: Wave 25 – a BEIS research report into public attitudes on energy and climate change. The series of polls asks questions about energy and climate change on a quarterly basis, which began in March 2012 and about shale gas specifically, since Wave 8 in December 2013.
Today’s results show opposition to fracking remaining constant at 32% (split as oppose 19% and strongly oppose 13%) while support crept up from Wave 23’s record low to just 18% (split as strongly support just 2% and support 15%).
Support for fracking has declinedby 33% since polling on shale gas began with Wave 8 in December 2013 (27% down to 18%).
The percentage of people neither supporting nor opposing remained fairly constant at 47%. This figure has hovered around 50% since the polling began.
A spokesperson for Frack Free Lancashire said:
“The long-term trend is obvious – this industry continuously fails to win support in spite of efforts to alternately buy local support and to threaten opposition with draconian legal injunctions.
“The data suggests that the small increase in support, from recent record lows, seems to be attributable to the fake news during the cold snap about UK energy dependence on Russia. The reason for support “Reduces dependence on other countries for UK’s energy supply” leapt from 25% to 36% of those polled this time around, when in fact UK imports less than 1% of its gas from Russian sources.
“Meanwhile, support for renewable energy continues to increase, with a record 85% of those polled expressing support, and with strong support surging from 30% to 37%.
“The direction of travel in public opinion is clear. We now need our politicians to recognise this and take actions accordingly.”
Notes to the Editor:
1. Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT): Wave 25 – summary report
2. Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT): Wave 25 – summary tables