Residents Action on Fylde Fracking


A critical report on fracking’s impact on the UK air pollution levels has been deliberately hidden by the Conservative government for more than three years, it was revealed yesterday.

The document was quietly published last week on the 27th July, just days after the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) gave final permission for Cuadrilla to carry out fracking at Preston New Road, in Lancashire.

The report showed that 400 fracking wells would increase pollution levels, nationally, with an increase in nitrogen dioxides of around1-4% and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) increasing around1-3%.

The report also warned that: “Impacts on local and regional air quality have the potential to be substantially higher than the national level impacts, as extraction activities are likely to be highly clustered.”

Chair of the government’s Air Quality Expert Group(AQEG) and University of Leicester, Professor Paul Monks stated:
“The thing that surprised me was you think the main sources of air pollution are going to be coming from the actual process of fracking, but it is as much all the industry – diesel generators, lorries running up and down roads, and all the stuff used to support it.”

Three years on, Professor Monks states:

“That hasn’t changed. If you have any industrial process at a local level, you are going to get an impact on air quality. If you increase the amount of wells you are bound to broadly increase [pollution].”
Campaigners are rightly shocked and appalled that a critical piece of evidence was withheld and not for the first time. The scandal of the redacted DEFRA report by the government in 2015, during Lancashire’s Planning Inquiry, was another indication of ‘dirty tricks’, especially with the impacts on rural communities redacted so heavily, the report barely made sense. A challenge by Greenpeace led to the Information Commissioner ordering the government to publish the full, unredacted report.

Preston New Road Action Group, who have mounted several legal challenges against Cuadrilla and the Secretary of State over planning consent on the Fylde Coast, stated:

“Residents living close to the site at Preston New Road site are already extremely concerned about their health and wellbeing after the government’s decision last week to give consent to frack. To now find out that there has been a report in existence for three years, detailing the impacts of this decision on our air quality which was only published after the fracking decision was made is an indication that the government are absolutely determined that shale gas exploitation should go ahead, irrespective of the harm it may cause to people and the environment. It feels as though we just don’t matter.”

Claire Stephenson for Frack Free Lancashire said:

“It is simply disgraceful that yet again, democracy and justice has been withheld from our community. How can it be that scientific evidence has been deliberately buried from the public and especially during planning inquiries? This is contemptuous behavior, and sadly, one we are used to seeing from the present government, who put their industry pals before local communities.

“With asthma deaths in England and Wales rising 25% due to air pollution and a government who have already been taken to court three times – and lost – over their failure to act on illegal levels of air pollution, it’s time we held them to account.”

Steve Mason from the national campaign group, Frack Free United, said:

“You’d be forgiven in thinking there was a government conspiracy around fracking. Last week, we had the drilling by dictatorship announcement, removing local democracy from drilling applications, then fracking by decree with the ministers deciding the fate of communities, the removal of solar subsidies, and now this. We are supposed to be cleaning up our air: the next generation depends on us.

“This is yet another example of the clear and present danger fracking brings to us all.”


Notes to Editors

1. Frack Free Lancashire (FFL) is part of an expanding national movement that opposes the development and extraction of shale gas worldwide.

Our mission is to protect our environment for our children and for future generations. Taking action now will safeguard the health and well-being of our communities from the effects of air pollution, water contamination, seismic movement and toxic & radioactive waste.

The anti-fracking movement is growing in strength. Hundreds of localised groups have developed across the UK over the last five years and communities have come together in solidarity to form their own anti-fracking groups

Petition United Utilities to stop supplying Cuadrilla with our drinking water during drought

We kicked off our latest petition – asking United Utilities to stop supplying our drinking water to Cuadrilla during the drought – on Saturday 28 July in St Annes Square. Thanks to all who came down to offer help. Ironically the wet and windy weather meant that there were few people out and about! We shall be running this petition for the next few months and will keep you updated as to where and when we will be via our website and Facebook pages.

A copy of the petition is available to download here. Please get your family, friends, work colleagues, etc to sign it. Completed petitions can be dropped off at Maple Farm or we can collect – please email .

Thank you.






Response to today’s news that the government have given Cuadrilla permission to frack PNR

In a typically cowardly fashion, our Government waited until the last day of Parliament to announce that subject to certain conditions, it was granting permission to Cuadrilla to frack the Preston New Road.

Frack Free Lancashire’s response:

“Frack Free Lancashire are saddened that the Secretary of State has granted permission for Cuadrilla to frack regardless of the opposition of local councils, MPs and population.

“They have now proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that localism is a sham.

“The irony of allowing this water-intensive industry to go ahead at exactly the moment when the country is in the grip of the worst drought for 40 years and the area in which Cuadrilla will be fracking has been hit with a hosepipe ban, will be lost on nobody.

“The fact that they are also proposing to kill off small scale renewable investment by removing the feed-in tariffs at the same time as enabling fracking is further evidence that this government’s energy policy is hopelessly out of step with the real world and the issues that we all face as a result of imminent climate change.”


PRESS RELEASE 24 July 2018

At 07.00hrs this morning, six anti-fracking campaigners locked-on to devices outside of Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road exploratory hydraulic fracturing site. This was a deliberate attempt to highlight the abuse of the law by Cuadrilla, who have recently obtained an injunction against “persons unknown”, preventing any sort of meaningful protest.

A spokesperson for the group stated:

“We are using our enshrined-in-law human rights to protest, to challenge a polluting industry that holds no social license in our community. This industry has gone to extreme and expensive lengths to manipulate the law, via a court injunction, to prevent protest in meaningful forms. We’re here today to challenge that. Fracking has no residential support within the UK, with the government pushing it upon communities who have already said no.

“Why should a national government overrule local governments, to force this industry on communities? Why has the law been misused for the benefit of wealthy corporations? There has to be a strong line drawn under such abuses of law and democracy: this today, is our line.”


Notes to Editors

1. Cuadrilla secures new injunction against fracking protestors

2. For all press enquiries, please contact Tina Rothery on

Urgent Call For Fracking Moratorium Following Royal Society’s Announcement of New Shale Gas Report







21 June 2018 

For immediate release

 Frack Free United are pleased to learn that The Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering will be reviewing their 2012(1) report on shale gas, for publication later this year.

However, due to the worrying fact that all of the government support and industry reports on hydraulic fracturing in the UK are based upon this pivotal 2012 report, Frack Free United are now calling for an immediate moratorium on fracking in the UK.

This would also halt any current fracking-related consultations on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project or permitted development until the review has been completed and a fuller evidence-based picture has been published, otherwise any consultation may be rendered invalid and legally questionable.

As reported in Drill or Drop today(2), the previous review by the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering was written in 2012 and contained 10 main recommendations, including the creation of a single regulatory body for the UK fracking industry. Six years on, this has still not happened.

Another recommendation was to make priority, the public acceptability of the extraction and use of shale gas in the context of UK policies on climate change, energy and the wider economy. This is a clear failure, with only 18%(3) of the public supporting fracking. 32% of the public are against fracking and above 85% of the public back renewable energy.

Recommended critical points included mitigating induced seismicity risks. The latest geological report (4)from Professor Peter Styles has highlightedthat up to half of England’s license areas for fracking operations could trigger serious earthquakes, specifically, fracking within former coal mining areas. Professor Styles has suggestedthat the historical coal mining dataavailablehas been overlooked or worse, ignored.

Professor of Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Peter Styles, said of today’s news:

“These [National Coal Board] maps indicate that there are probably as many as 100 times as many faults of sufficient size to generate a seismic event of magnitude 0.5 Ml, which would trigger the Traffic-Light-Threshold and the subsequent operational constraints, than can be seen from even the very highest quality surface exploration.

“So, while warmly welcoming the return of the Royal Societies to the fray, I would urge that they take care to include appropriate existing UK mining data into their appraisal and do not rely too much on either USA analogies or numerical models no matter how sophisticated.”

A spokesperson from Frack Free United said:

“Whilst we welcome the news that the Royal Society is reviewing their desperately outdated report on fracking, we are concerned that this review appears to be taking place in secret, and all other academics, scientists and community groups are being prevented from submitting evidence for inclusion.

“This ‘behind-closed-doors’ approach is unlikely to win the trust of those communities currently threatened by fracking, and could allow the Royal Society to cherry-pick any reports to support the government’s pro-fracking agenda – as appeared to be the case when their first report was published in 2012 – while ignoring evidence that highlights the real and present dangers of shale gas production in the UK.

“We urge the Royal Society to open up the process and allow submissions of relevant research from other interested parties, or run the risk of their review being seen as another government-orchestrated fluff piece for the benefit of their friends in the fracking industry.”

Lib Dem Baroness Lynne Featherstone, spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change said:

“This is serious, the evidence that the Tory government currently relies on for justifying its pro-fracking viewport is being reviewed. This means the government could be relying on outdated science to prove that fracking is safe.

“It is not worth taking a chance on this. We no longer need fossil fuels to help us generate our energy. The government should halt its obsession with fracking and instead use the money to invest in more renewable projects instead.”




Notes to the Editor:

  1. Shale gas extraction in the UK: a review of hydraulic fracturing(2012)
  2. Landmark report on fracking to be updated and £7.6m shale gas research confirmedDrill or Drop 21 June 2018
  3. Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker: Wave 25
  4. Fracking and Historic Coal Mining: Their relationship and should they coincide?Professor Emeritus Peter Styles
  5. For further comment or more information, please contact Steve , or myself, as per below information.






30 May 2018

For immediate release 

Campaigners will gather from 09.30hrs on 31 May. The court hearing begins at 10.30hrs. A photocall will take place at 10.00hrs *

Communities opposed to fracking from across the North will be gathering outside the Civil Justice Centre in Manchester on Thursday (31 May 09.30am) ahead of a hearing into an application from Cuadrilla to extend an injunction related to its fracking site on Preston New Road in Lancashire (1).

The wide-ranging injunction seeks to prohibit obstruction of the site entrance, such as through ‘lock-ons’ or slow-walking in front of lorries and prevent blockading of suppliers – all tactics which have been used by local anti-fracking campaigners to try and delay Cuadrilla’s progress since work started at the site in January 2017.

A spokesperson from Frack Free Lancashire said:

“We are standing together today outside the High Court hearing in Manchester to show that our peaceful protest will continue against this dreadful industry that has forced its way undemocratically into our community.

“Our councils said no to this application, with a clear and knowledgeable understanding of the local area, environment, community and evidence of the devastating risk that fracking would bring. Central government intervened on behalf of their fracking friends, Cuadrilla, and overruled democracy.

“The global need for clean and renewable energy has never been more urgent. We believe that the government’s backwards vision for digging up yet more fossil fuels is both redundant and needless. Clean energy and climate jobs are needed now. Fracking has no place in our future.”

The High Court hearing takes place during the ongoing ‘United Resistance’ – a three-month campaign against fracking at the Preston New Road site organised by community groups. A mass rally of trade union activists will take place near the site on Saturday 9 June, calling for a ban on fracking and the creation of a million climate jobs (2).

The family-friendly solidarity day is for trade unionists and all other anti-fracking campaigners, with speakers and musical entertainment.

Fracking company Cuadrilla is currently awaiting consent to frack at Preston New Road from Energy Secretary Greg Clark, having applied for permission on 21 May 2018 (3).



Notes to the Editor:


New Lord Mayor of Sheffield to Join Campaigners at Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road Anti-Fracking Site


20 May 2018
For immediate release


The brand new Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Green Party Councillor Magid Magid is due to speak outside of Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road fracking site on Monday 21 May 2018 at 11.00.

A former child refugee from Somalia, Councillor Magid and his family took sanctuary in Sheffield at the age of five.

Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Magid Magid

Councillor Magid is the youngest Mayor that Sheffield has seen and additionally, a welcome sight championing diversity as a black Muslim and a Green Party councillor.
He has actively opposed the tree felling scandal in Sheffield and has visions of tackling racism, xenophobia and homophobia. His fresh approach and quirky character was well received in his official Mayoral photograph, where he was pictured wearing Doc Martens.

Along with Magid’s visit, Green Party Sheffield Councillor, Alison Teal, will join him, speaking at around 12.30pm. Councillor Teal is also an active opposer of the controversial tree felling project and has travelled in support of the anti-fracking campaigners in Lancashire.

Photo opportunities and interviews will be available.


Notes to Editor

1. Photo attached, is of Green Party Councillor Magid Magid, Lord Mayor of Sheffield. Picture credit to Chris Saunders.

‘Fracking Could Cause Earthquakes On Up To Half Of The Land Licensed In Britain’, Says Former Advisor To No 10


Report prompts calls for immediate moratorium until full extent of the risk can be properly assessed 

Fracking on up to half of the land licensed by the Government for shale-gas operations could trigger earthquakes, according to a leading seismologist.

Former advisor to No 10, Professor Peter Styles, says hydraulic fracturing in former coal mining areas increases the probability of earthquakes on faults that have already been subject to movement through mining.

As the Government announced plans to speed up fracking developments by fast-tracking private companies’ planning applications, Professor Styles has called for more rigorous checks to identify the dangers in coalfield areas.

In his new report, ‘Fracking and Historic Coal Mining: their relationship and should they coincide?’ Professor Styles describes the ‘serious earthquake risk’ posed by fracking in former coalfield areas, because ‘induced seismicity’ is ‘dramatically enhanced’ in a significant proportion of land designated for fracking operations.

The report is being launched in Parliament at 2pm on Tuesday 22nd May 2018.

 Former coalfields already have a risk of earthquakes. Fracking is likely to enhance the risk of induced seismicity in those areas. 

Professor Styles calls on the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, to immediately adopt his best practice recommendations that planning applications for ANY fracking site include all available, high-resolution and carefully mapped data.

He is insistent that the Government should immediately implement recommended safety steps that include: 

  • A 500-metre buffer zone between former mine workings and current and future energy extraction technologies (based on 2004 recommendations) 
  • A 850-metre buffer zone between fracking and any significant natural fractures or faults (based on 2015 and 2018 recommendations)

He adds that all recommendations should be incorporated into the National Planning Policy Framework, with reference to all applications to frack.

Professor Styles, Emeritus Professor in Applied and Environmental Geophysics at Keele University and Past-President of the Geological Society, also called into question the industry’s technical capability to identify faults or fractures likely to lead to prohibited seismic events in ALL licenced areas.

He says: “Unfortunately the physics of it means you cannot see those faults with the (survey) waves that you put into the earth.

“To date it does not appear that any proper industry or government due diligence has taken place with regards to fault lines mapped.”

In the case of coalfield areas, he adds: “We have forgotten about mining. Mining has not forgotten about us.”

The report highlights a potentially dangerous fault line within 10 metres of the proposed fracking borehole at Harthill, just south of Sheffield, which plastics manufacturer INEOS, owned by Britain’s richest man Jim Ratcliffe, propose to drill.

Professor Styles questions the viability of fracking in the UK saying: “It would be prudent of the Government to reduce the estimates of exploitable onshore frackable gas by half.

“We are risking our energy security if we proceed without assessing all the data.”

Baroness Lynne Featherstone, Liberal Democrats spokesperson on fracking, who is hosting the event, said: “This report asks some serious questions of the Government and the fracking industry. Ministers must take heed and listen to the growing weight of evidence on fracking and, at the bare minimum, implement a moratorium on fracking in coal mining areas and review fracking across the UK.”

In 2011, two earthquakes in Lancashire shook Blackpool after the fracking company, Cuadrilla, failed in the UK’s first and only attempt of this version of extreme energy extraction. Professor Styles had issued warnings at the time, but Cuadrilla ignored them.

A tremor with a 2.4 magnitude was reported by the British Geological Survey and a second tremor with a magnitude of 3.2 was also confirmed shortly after, leading to ban on all operations.


Image of Professor Peter Styles (Please click link )


 Richard Hillgrove, 6 Hillgrove. Mob. 07958701775. Email.



Report Launch:

Professor Emeritus Peter Styles ‘Fracking and Historic Coal Mining: their relationship and should they coincide?’ Report Launch 

2pm, Tuesday 22 May, 2018

Committee Room 2A, House of Lords

Baroness Lynne Featherstone invites you to meet Professor Peter Styles, leading seismologist and former advisor to No 10 on fracking, to talk about his latest research – Published on Tuesday – On the dangers of fracking on the UK mainland.

Refreshments will be provided.


About Professor Emeritus Peter Styles:

BA(Oxon), PhD (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)., FGS CGeol., FRAS CSci., FIMMM, FRSA

Editor-in-Chief :GEOSCIENTIST

Associate Editor Acta Geophysica

Professor of Applied and Environmental Geophysics
Applied & Environmental Geophysics Research Group
School of Physical and Geographical Sciences
Keele University
Staffs ST5 5 BG



-Fracking companies and regulators have failed to use all available geological data, as they are required to do, for planning application purposes.

-Professor Styles’ report shows that historic coal mining data has been overlooked or ignored.

-The historic mining data shows accurate locations of fault lines capable of triggering earthquakes over a 0.5 magnitude that would shut down fracking operations under current regulations.

-The seismic surveying equipment used by the fracking industry is not capable of detecting these faults. They need equipment with 5X greater magnification capabilities.

-Professor Styles’ report includes a small sample of the available historic data convert to digital format that can be overlaid onto British Geological Survey maps, which only show major fault lines.

-The data shows that former coal mining areas are riddled with potentially dangerous faults capable of producing seismic activity greater than a 0.5 magnitude which is the level at which fracking operations must be shut down under the current traffic light system.

-Considerable further work and investigation is required on the historic mining data to reveal the full picture. However, it is highly likely to show a similar picture across all previously mined areas. This would render the majority of the current PEDL licences for fracking over the North of England useless and demonstrate that Government and industry estimates for recoverable fracked gas should be halved.

Richard J. Hillgrove VI

6 Hillgrove Public Relations

Studio 1, Albion Building



Roseacre Wood Public Inquiry ends



The Public Inquiry into Roseacre Wood has now finished. You can see the livestreams of each day of the hearing here. Please note that this archive will only be available for a number of days.

Drill or Drop has provided extensive coverage of each of the days.

For a very detailed account of the PI please see Counterbalance.

The Planning Inspector will now look at the evidence and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State, Sajid Javid, as to whether Cuadrilla should be permitted to develop the Roseacre Wood site. We expect this process to take a number of weeks/months.

Government poll shows opposition to fracking much higher than support

Frack Free Lancashire

PRESS RELEASE 26 April 2018


 Today saw the release of the government’s latest Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker: Wave 25 – a BEIS research report into public attitudes on energy and climate change. The series of polls asks questions about energy and climate change on a quarterly basis, which began in March 2012 and about shale gas specifically, since Wave 8 in December 2013.

Today’s results show opposition to fracking remaining constant at 32% (split as oppose 19% and strongly oppose 13%) while support crept up from Wave 23’s record low to just 18% (split as strongly support just 2% and support  15%).

Support for fracking has declinedby 33% since polling on shale gas began with Wave 8 in December 2013 (27% down to 18%).

The percentage of people neither supporting nor opposing remained fairly constant at 47%. This figure has hovered around 50% since the polling began.

A spokesperson for Frack Free Lancashire said:

“The long-term trend is obvious – this industry continuously fails to win support in spite of efforts to alternately buy local support and to threaten opposition with draconian legal injunctions.

“The data suggests that the small increase in support, from recent record lows, seems to be attributable to the fake news during the cold snap about UK energy dependence on Russia. The reason for support “Reduces dependence on other countries for UK’s energy supply” leapt from 25% to 36% of those polled this time around, when in fact UK imports less than 1% of its gas from Russian sources.

“Meanwhile, support for renewable energy continues to increase, with a record 85% of those polled expressing support, and with strong support surging from 30% to 37%.

“The direction of travel in public opinion is clear. We now need our politicians to recognise this and take actions accordingly.”



Notes to the Editor:

1. Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT): Wave 25 – summary report

2. Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT): Wave 25 – summary tables

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